I Love what I do!
I look forward to finding out if You Love what I do as well!
I have worked full time as a massage therapist for over 19 years. I like to say my massage is a "Relaxing Therapeutic Massage". I take a very 'integrated' approach to client massages, adjusting techniques to every individual session.
My massage training includes Swedish, Peri-Natal, Lymphatic Drainage, Myofascial & Trigger Point modalities, Cranial Sacral Balancing, Reflexology, Gua Sha (scrapping techniques), Aromatherapy, Sound Healing and various Energetic Healing modalities. Yes, I am a Reiki Master, no I do not give "Reiki sessions", however I do find it adds to all of the massages I offer.
My latest classes have been in Visceral Manipulation, or VM. I find this to be a truly wonderful way of interacting with the body to help get to 'root causes' of chronic pain and disfunction. Learn more about VM here: The Barral Institute (discovervm.com)
When I am not working with clients, I can be found walking/hiking with my dog Sonny or cuddled under my two cats Jazz & Calcifer reading, watching TV, or playing an online video game with one of my Sons. I love gardening, crocheting, sewing, and "mixing potions" as my kids call my aromatherapy and herbal tea blending.
I look forward to meeting you and being part of your wellness team.